
Trip Report Pt8: Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail

I visit the local library to use WiFi and then the same burger parlour again. I go to the clinic again to see if they have my results. They don't...

Rashly, I decide to hitch out and continue hiking to the next town. Burney is not too far away and I tell the clinic to send me my results via email once they come in. I manage to quickly get a ride back out to trail and complete 21 miles(33.4 km). To my surprise I have no emergency during the night.

Forcing myself in the morning, I head out to reach Old Station by the late afternoon. There are many horse riders on the trail due to the many nearby ranches. I even meet two camel riders on the trail. Yes, camels.

The hiking was very mild but my shoulders begin to ache painfully. I figure I must have been losing a lot of weight the last few days due to constant bowel movements and lack of appetite. I stop in Old Station for a milkshake and some snacks from the gas station. The section from here was completely waterless for the next 30 miles(48.2 km). I snuck in some more miles that evening before camping on an exposed ridge.

My appetite drops to absolute zero as hike Hat Creek Rim to get to Burney. All I can do is keep my self hydrated as the sun comes out in full force on the exposed trail. Continuing forward my mind is mush and my morale depletes.

About 10 miles(16 km) to the end of the dry section there is trail magic. I am in a sour mood but I force my self to drink a bunch of calories. I make it to the highway and hitch to Burney without much issue and post up inside a McDonald's.

Pond with Canadian Geese

It's was decision time. Constant diarrhoea for almost two weeks, my appetite disappearing which is accelerating my weight loss, my shoulders being in excruciating pain and all my friends now 100+ miles(161 km) ahead of me at this point. Without a doubt I was not having fun and I decided I'd just go back home to recover.

There was no option to leave Burney today as buses were not running. I'd stay in a motel one night, then at a local church the next before making my way to Sacramento to catch a flight. I felt upset with myself for not being stronger and continuing forward. As I write this now I have no doubt that this was the right call to make.

This adventure, though unfinished now, will see it's end soon as I plan to return to complete my thruhike in 2020. Stay tuned and feel free to read about the other trips I do in the meantime.

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